Category Archive for 'review'

Tempting Tempeh, eh?

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Tempeh with Berry BBQ, Quinoa and Broccoli I love tempeh.  I’ve loved it from the beginning with it’s mushroomy earthy taste and my intimate moments learning how to cultivate the bacteria and make it from scratch.  I love that it’s fermented and a source of B12.  I usually just saute it up and add it […]

Maitake Mania

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Atop a bread bowled soup I haven’t foraged maitake (ram’s head/sheep’s head/hen of the woods) (Grifola Frondosa) yet, but it would be a good find.  The genus, Grifola, refers to the griffin a lion body/eagle headed creature, making this mushroom the king of the land and air.  They are traditionally a symbol of God and […]

Cream of Chanterelle Soup

Friday, October 31st, 2008

Cream of Chanterelles I may be at the end of the mofo challenge, but I hope I’m not at the end of chanterelle season. I’ve been welcoming fall by making a lot of soup lately. I found a chanterelle soup recipe online by the mycological society and have been wanting to give it a try. […]

Brunch at Bob’s Red Mill

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Bob’s Red Mill I think Bob’s brand has gotten big enough that I now see it in the larger chain grocery stores. I would think it is available in small towns by now. I’m excited to report that I live near the mill. I made it there for brunch recently with friends and basked in […]

Fudgy Brownies

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Looks like fudge in the center I have 3 posts left to fill my quota for Vegan MoFo. This has been a busy month for me in many regards, but I’ve been trucking along in the blog posts. It’s been hard to blog this often, but it’s been good for me to stop procrastinating and […]

Double Bonus Mushroom: Cauliflower & Lobster Mushroom Soup Recipe

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

My wild mushroom week is overlapping into this week and I don’t mind. I made an earthy, delicious soup with my cauliflower mushrooms that I had to share. Their cooked texture makes me think of rice noodles. I think they would be fun with a stroganoff sauce over them or a Thai sauce. A simple […]

Mo(nth of)fo(od): Wild Mushroom Week

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

Great success! It will be a challenge to blog 5 times a week. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of material, but making time to blog this often is a hurdle. It is good for me. I don’t blog enough and luckily there are others out there taking on this challenge with me. Many […]

Vegan MoFo Day 1: Waffles & Preserving Lemon Juice

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

So begins vegan mo(nth of)fo(od), a month-long vegan blogging extravaganza throughout the interweb. There are over 200 people participating, flooding the internet with vegan recipes, ramblings, pictures and more. I am participating this year and the goal is to blog at least 5 times a week. There is a photopool over at Flickr as well. […]

Cereal Killer Pie: Coconut Pie, Grape Nut crust & Caramelized Nanners

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

I was invited a cereal themed birthday party recently and felt that I should do something fun with breakfast cereal.  I had a feeling rice krispie treats would make an appearance regardless, so I thought of one of my favorite breakfast cereals, Grape Nuts, and the rest just followed suit. Breakfast & dessert together at […]

Dinner Voyeurism

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

The vegan daddy of m&c You know you’re curious what I’ve been cooking since I started work. Nothing too extravagant or time consuming, but some new tasty recipes from some new cookbooks on my shelves. Let’s start with the shining star: VeganDad’s mac and cheese. There are so many versions of vegan mac & cheese, […]